Monday, October 14, 2013

Native American Project

We began our end of unit project last week and will wrap it up this week. The standard we are focused on is:

SS4H1 The student will describe how early Native American cultures developed in 
North America. 
a. Locate where Native Americans settled with emphasis on the Arctic (Inuit), 
Northwest (Kwakiutl), Plateau (Nez Perce), Southwest (Hopi), Plains (Pawnee), 
and Southeast (Seminole). 
b. Describe how Native Americans used their environment to obtain food, clothing, 
and shelter. 

The project is due Monday, October 21, 2013. Each student is writing an informational paper on their selected tribe, which we will complete by Friday. The written part is being done totally in class and will encompass standard b. above. Students may continue to add to their research at home. The other portion of the project is to be completed at home. Students may create something to represent their tribe. I'm encouraging them to be creative. Choices we've discussed in class have been models of shelters, clothing, posters, food, dioramas, skits, or journals. Their project must relate to their tribe, for example- if a student's tribe is the Seminole they would not create a totem pole, but could create a model of a chickee. 

They may use MackinVia or the powerpoint to further research. I hope this is an enjoyable activity for them and you!

Mr. W

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